Viddsee launches StoriesTogether community initiative to give hope through films during the COVID-19 pandemic

– Initiative brings storytellers, audiences, and media partners to give hope through films in this challenging COVID-19 pandemic.

– Includes the StoriesTogether Content Fund, a partnership with Singapore’s IMDA to create new short-form content with Singapore-based media companies.

– Viewers can enjoy specially curated channels featuring uplifting short films, live watch parties in English and Bahasa Indonesia, as well as interactions with filmmakers.

– Support for similar initiatives across Southeast Asia such as Lockdown Cinema Club in the Philippines.

SINGAPORE, April 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Viddsee today officially launches StoriesTogether, a regional initiative bringing together our community of storytellers, audiences, and partners to give hope through films in this challenging COVID-19 pandemic.

Viddsee launches StoriesTogether community initiative to give hope through films during the COVID-19 pandemic
Viddsee launches StoriesTogether community initiative to give hope through films during the COVID-19 pandemic

Within the initiative, Viddsee will carry out several activities to entertain viewers and create new content with media companies. Under the StoriesTogether channel on, the content team has curated a growing list of short films that aim to inspire, cheer, and entertain viewers. This will be supported by weekly watch parties on YouTube and Facebook conducted in English (#TogetherAtHome) and Bahasa Indonesia (#DiRumahAja), short film premieres, and sharing sessions with filmmakers about their favourite films.

Viddsee will also support other initiatives with similar goals by promoting their efforts on the platform. One such initiative is Lockdown Cinema Club, a Philippines-based crowd-funding initiative that invites viewers to "watch all you want, give what you can," with funds going to over 1,000 low income, no work-no pay film industry workers.

"The current crisis has made us realise the importance of staying connected, and for communities to stand united through these difficult times.

Through this initiative, we see Viddsee as a canvas for good on which communities of storytellers, audiences and partners across the world can find and support each other, and continue to connect through our shared love for entertaining stories," said Ho Jia Jian, Viddsee’s co-founder and CEO.

Keeping storytelling alive

Besides entertaining audiences, the StoriesTogether initiative also supports local filmmakers by commissioning the creation of new content. Through the StoriesTogether Content Fund, which is part of Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) Public Service Content Fund initiative that was announced on April 14, Viddsee Studios will work with Singaporean media companies to create short form short films and series over the course of a year.

"Viddsee Studios was formed in 2017 to complement Viddsee’s mission of empowering storytellers, and during that time we’ve worked with dozens of production houses, and hundreds of independent filmmakers, cast and crew members in creating over 100 Viddsee Original productions."

"During these challenging times, we see how vital the filmmaking community is in bringing hope, laughter and joy through their stories. This partnership with the IMDA is a real statement of support to our community of storytellers, encouraging them to continue to do what they do best," said Kenny Tan, the head of Viddsee Studios.

The StoriesTogether initiative is open to collaborate with brands, media partners, filmmakers, and media companies across the region who share similar goals. Parties who are interested can reach out via

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About Viddsee

Viddsee is a leading video entertainment platform for short premium content. With over 1 billion views powered by data insights and a trusted community, we empower storytellers by enabling the creation of films and amplifying stories to targeted audiences.

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