SINGAPORE, Aug. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — This year 2020 marks the year for Olive and Latte Suite that is a globeshop of stories and biographies, that features all the following sites from the main sites with Olive & Latte ABS , to Olive and Latte, and Dashingly Very Good Living that is an affordable luxe website . And the Shopify sites at:, and
The new websites that were launched this year were Olive and Latte Home Lounge while Engagevu, the pr and marketing collaborative outfit presents Engage for Moments .
Sharon Vu, Founder of Olive and Latte ABS (arts, bites, shop) with #OliveandLatte suite including #DashinglyVeryGoodLiving, and PR and Marketing outfit Engagevu, Vu Marcoms says, "Thanks to our collaborators, we have manage to fulfil the Olive and Latte Suite and we will continue to update with stories and biographies and with curated items and products for the globeshop."
Markus Flamman, Senior Advisor with Engagevu, and Adjunct Lecturer at the Henan University of Economics and Law commented, "These websites supply a wealth of views on F&B, recreation, and travel from the perspective of a carefully appointed group of personalities (that you will get to see in coming years) with very different backgrounds. You can read about their experience and even buy at discounted rates a growing selection of curated items from the concierge menu or globeshops."
Markus Flamman continued by saying, "Finding the right group of individuals to deliver content has been challenging. The demands on their performance operates in a niche where they’re to share experiences that fall in the category from ‘affordable luxury‘ to ‘home away from home experience during their trips‘. So this group enjoys life locally and travels a lot, and at the moment virtually. While doing so, visit unique locations, avoid touristy places and demand an upscale environment that is comfortable to relax at, due to work schedules.
Not only do they bring back unique items from their travel, they also return with stories. These stories they share on the websites Engage for Moments and Olive and Latte Home Lounge in return, assist to find an easy route to these same experiences.
So head on over and be inspired for your next virtual dream trip from the comforts of your own home. We are pleased with the launch of Olive and Latte Home Lounge and Engage for Moments and look forward to writing more of ‘Markus Anecdotes’, who knows this might go onto ebook format together with Sharon Vu."
Patwant Singh, the Guest Blogger and former Channel NewsAsia personality and ex-broadcast journalist, who is currently a media consultant and trainer comments, "Enjoyed partnering Olive and Latte Home Lounge in sharing my travel and professional experiences. The platform is ideal to reach out to targeted and like-minded individuals and looking forward to more tie-ups."
"I’ve come to know Sharon as a meticulous and conscientious partner to work with. I’m inspired by her relentless motivation to bring ‘good’ goods & services to the marketplace. A real joy working with her," ChinKar TAN, Publisher, Write Editions commented.
Ram Santhanaram a Professional Speaker/Emcee, a Masterclass Trainer and a renowned Laughter Coach is being featured on Olive and Latte Shopify, Dashingly Very Good Living, Dashingly Very Good Living VGD Shopify says, "Why feel trapped in a dungeon of worries and self-created sufferings when we can instead swim to the shores of possibilities and move to along the freeway of happiness?"
Richard, the Shanghai expat says, "Collaborating with Olive and Latte and Dashingly Very Good Living have provided an opportunity to feature the products picked from travels and to look forward to the private tours to places such as Yunnan or Tibet to be featured in the two brands."
Please reach Olive and Latte Suite at or for partnerships and enquiries.
To view the websites, please find at
(Affordable Luxe):
2. Installment payment Hoolah (3 mths interest free) is available on:
4. Installment payment Hoolah (3mths interest free) is available on:
New Websites
About Olive and Latte Suite, Olive & Latte Home Lounge and Engage for Moments
Through Olive and Latte ABS (, the company started in 2014 as an online content generation and sharing of stories across social networks and platforms. Olive and Latte eGlobeshop, a shop around the corner, was launched on 7 Feb 2018, as an extension and an ecart to describe memorabilia and items from across the globe curated by Olive and Latte with Artists, Shoppers and Biz Innovators. The items have interesting and engaging stories behind them, or sometimes as retail therapy when people travel and getaway. Olive and Latte Plug and Play is an engagement service where they plug into companies in functions to assist and engage, for Public Relations, Marketing and more, with their core of Publicists, Communicators and Marketers.
Dashingly Very Good Living VGD has the 3-pronged concept for the Affordable Luxury segment, and with the addition of the e-carting of Marketing to Solutioning services for the Individual and companies pre-paid, and with categories of Global Local Designers that Dashingly Very Good Living VGD will source, partner and procure and with the category of the Personality.
Olive and Latte Home Lounge aims to cover everything about Home including notes on Enrichment, Deals of the Day and Week and Home recipes as a Home companion for those working remotely or at home. Engage for Moments is a blog about the moments, the virtual Attractions, Travel and Anecdotal Moments and experiences be it in the online sphere and spaces.
For more information, please contact:
Sharon Vu
Director, Vu Marcoms, engagevu
Mobile: +65 8138 6913
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